Working in the entertainment industry brings its own set of challenges. Whether it’s performing on stage or screen, acting, singing, dancing, or other forms of expressive arts, we have experience helping you navigate your relationship to the work, and the complicated feelings that can come out of putting yourself out in the world in this unique way. Social Media content creators face similar performance issues and stressors.

Some helpful thoughts from performers who have undergone therapy (these are not our clients):

Talking to somebody just helped me out a lot. As a man, you get a lot of slack for it…I don’t really subscribe to that. Everyone needs to unpack and talk
— Michael B. Jordan
I finally realized that owning up to your vulnerabilities is a form of strength. And making the choice to go to therapy is a form of strength.
— Lizzo
I think that whether you have a mental health condition or not it’s good to talk to somebody― especially someone who is a licensed professional.
— Demi Lovato
I just started therapy. I love it, I love it. I went through two therapists to get to the right one ... I spent a lot of time avoiding feelings. And now I have no time left for that.
— Brad Pitt
We live in a world where to admit anything negative about yourself is seen as a weakness, when it’s actually a strength. It’s not a weak move to say ‘I need help.’ In the long run, it’s way better, because you have to fix it.
— Jon Hamm
It’s extremely important that every time something comes up, I reach out to someone and let someone in.
— Brandon Marshall