San Francisco Counseling Collective has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7551.
Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. San Francisco Counseling Collective is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. 

We are available for speaking engagements, presentations, and trainings on a variety of topics including gender issues (trans, gender expansiveness), group therapy, and interpersonal communications.  Recent presentations and trainings include:

October 2024: Cultural Humility, Dental Hygiene, and working with Transgender and Gender Expansive Patients, California Dental Hygienists' Association (San Diego Chapter)

April 2022: Cultural Humility, Dental Hygiene, and working with Transgender and Gender Expansive Patients, California Dental Hygienists' Association (San Diego Chapter)

January 2022: Cultural Humility, Dental Hygiene, and working with Transgender and Gender Expansive Patients, Santa Clara Valley Dental Hygienists' Association

January 2022: The No Surprises Act and Good Faith Estimates: What You Need to Know, California Association for Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors

October 2021: Multi-State Licensure and California LPCCs, California Association for Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors Annual Conference

September 2021: Private Practice Panel, California Association for Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors

June 2021: Cultural Humility and Working with Transgender and Gender Expansive Clients, Bay Area Psychotherapy Institute, Lafayette, California

April 2021: Cultural Humility and Working with Transgender and Gender Expansive Clients, Haight Ashbury Psychological Services, San Francisco

April 2021: Cultural Humility, Dental Hygiene, and Working with Transgender and Gender Expansive Patients, National Presentation sponsored by San Francisco Dental Hygienists’ Society

February 2021: Cultural Humility, Dental Hygiene, and Working with Transgender and Gender Expansive Patients, California Dental Hygienists’ Association

September 2020: Cultural Humility and Working with Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Patients, Los Angeles and San Francisco Dental Hygienists’ Associations

August 2020: Group Facilitation for Psychology and Social Work Trainees, UCSF Alliance Health Project, San Francisco

January 2020: Group Facilitation Skills, Richmond Area Multi-Services, San Francisco

June 2019:  Cultural Humility and Working with Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Clients, Haight Ashbury Psychological Services, San Francisco

February 2019:  Creative Use of Metaphor in Psychotherapy, Haight Ashbury Psychological Serivces, San Francisco

April 2018:  Cultural Humility and Working with Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Clients, California Association for Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors, San Francisco

April 2018: Unconditional Positive Regard and Carl Rogers, Haight Ashbury Psychological Services, San Francisco

November 2017:  Transgender Health & Cultural Humility: What Oral Health Care Providers Should Know, San Francisco Dental Hygiene Society, San Francisco

July 2017: Using the Playground Model: Building Supportive Groups and Moving Away from Problem-Solving, California Counseling Association, Los Angeles

March 2016: What Now: Applying for Internships, Interviewing, and Community Mental Health, California School of Professional Psychology, San Francisco

October 2014: Drugs and Creativity: A Support Group for Active Drug Users, California Association for Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors, San Francisco

July 2014: Guest Lecturer: Psychopathology, Diagnosis, and Social Justice.  Prison University Program, San Quentin State Prison

June 2014: Guest Lecturer: Group Psychotherapy and Counseling. California School of Professional Psychology, San Francisco

November 2012: Creative Arts with Substance Users, National Harm Reduction Conference, Portland